Hey there Samantha
I'm so glad that you are with me
your ever present presence is my security
and your with meee
even in my dreams
even when it seems
you don't want to be
Hey there Samantha
please don't fret about your fears
the three of us will see you through
and someday soon
there will be no more tears
we'll all be here
the four of us can be like golden years
Oh its what you do for me
trapped in this love we are so free
live our lives together you and me
see just what we want to see
be just what we want to be
Hey there Samantha
I hope you enjoyed my little song
about the way i love you so
i stole it from some guy
just like the way i stole your soul
from some asshole
who will never know
just what it means to be a whole
Oh its what you do for me
trapped in this love we are so free
live our lives togeather you and me
see just what we want to see
be just what we want to be
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Please sign our guestbook, however iv'e noticed way to many requests for website assistance, and many comments from people who think Samantha created this site hereself.
1) I cannot help you with your site! (sorry) I have not the time nor the communication skills needed to assist others with their webpages.
2) Samantha did not create this website, her boyfriend (me) did! I created and maintain the site, I do it because i love her and want to tell the world about it and about her and my lovely family. Plus its fun and she is pretty.
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Jaki jest najniezwyklej funkcjonalny sposób promowania swojej instytucji? Jakim sposobem podwy¿szyæ liczbê odbiorców i co za tym idzie dochody w swojej spó³ce. Odpowied jest szczerze, irrelewantna. Reklama. Wywo³uje ona porywaj¹ce plusy dla naszego interesu. Wywo³uje, i¿ nasze logo jest rozpoznawalna, ludzie s¹ wiadomi jej istnienia, lub poziom potencjalnych interesantów nieprzerwanie wzrasta. Jest jednak¿e mrowie odmian reklamy. Reklama telewizyjna, tak zwany migawka reklamowa, reklama w radiu, w gazecie itd. Pragn¹³bym Ci chocia¿ przybli¿yæ równie funkcjonaln¹ reklamê któr¹ jest reklama telewizyjna, to znaczy gad¿ety reklamowe. Jest tutaj wyst¹pienie o wszelakich obiektach u¿ytku zwyk³ego, jak kubki, d³ugopisy, przytulanki, koszulki, na których mo¿esz lokowaæ logo w³asnej organizacji. Sam siê przekonaj jak to funkcjonuje i pomyl przez sekundê. Idziesz jezdni¹ w lato i mijaj¹ Ciê obywatele w szykownym podkoszulku z logotypem Twojej spó³ki. Czy to nie pora¿aj¹ca i praktycznie gratisowa jakoæ promocji? Otó¿ to! Ludzie poprzez zastosowanie artyku³ów, których z regu³y i tak bêd¹ u¿ytkowaæ, reklamuj¹ Twoj¹ firmê, sprawiaj¹c, ¿e inni rozpoczynaj¹ siê ni¹ intrygowaæ. Zapraszamy na nasz¹ stronê internetow¹, na której odkryjesz ca³¹ oferowan¹ przez nas propozycjê i zapoznasz siê z naszymi ma³ymi cenami. Zapewniam Ciê, i¿ pozytywy jakie mo¿e zdobyæ Twoja firma wielokrotnie przewy¿szaj¹ poniesione wydatki.
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Pretty cool vibe we have going here, keep it going =]
08/12/2010 at 10:56pm (UTC)
So far 779155 visitors (3013380 hits) have have become dedicated Samantha Fans!
Our site contains information on Samantha Koehler and Felix Cuvreau, their family and friends, news, rants & raves, photos and fun. Located in Seattle Washington. Samantha My Love is a site dedicated to the love we share and the Cuv-ler family. This site is intended for use by the friends and family of Felix Cuvreau and Samantha Koehler but all are welcome to become friends and thus have use of our site. All photo's of Samantha Koehler, Felix Cuvreau Jr, Ian Koehler and Felix Cuvreau III are the property of the Cuv-ler family and shall not be displayed without permission from the Cuv-ler Family. The Cuv-ler family would like to thank the own-free-website.com company for their excellent service and free web-page. For Google: Samantha Koehler, Felix Cuvreau, Ian Koehler, loving boyfriend, love, Cuv-ler Family, love, Samantha pictures, Rants and raves, rants & raves Samantha pics, Sammy K, Sam photos, Love, free website, guest-book, Sammy Stars, relationship site, Samantha's personal pages, ode's to Samantha, I love Samantha, Samantha is the best. The best Samantha website. Samantha love site, Samantha love page. Samantha fan site.